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Monique Sophie REGENWETTER
Artist - Painter - Graphique artist - Sculptor
Coptic Stitch
Coptic Stitch
French binding
Piano Hinge Binding
Piano Hinge Binding
Piano Hinge Binding
My bookbinding workshop for MONART
80 Joer Buch Henri Regenwetter
80 Joer Buch Henri Regenwetter
80 Jahre Buch Karl Schmid
80 Joer Buch Henri Regenwetter
Restoring old books
Old luxemburgish cookingbook from Ketty Thull with leather cover
Restauration vieux livre de recette de K
Restauration vieux livre de recette de K
Restoring old books
Old luxemburgish cookingbook from Ketty Thull with leather cover
Carnet d'artiste
Carnet d'artiste
Carnet d'artiste
Carnet d'artiste
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